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Youth: A-MAIZE-ing Day

Youth: A-MAIZE-ing Day

time 9:30 am

October 28, 2017

On Saturday, October 28, we are heading to Mt. Airy, MD for a corn maze and other fall activities. We will meet at the church at 9:30am and head to Gaver Farm for a morning and early afternoon of fun and food. It costs $11 for these activities, plus money for any food. If money is an issue, please talk to Steve Bradbury. We return to church around 2 pm. This is an outdoor event, so inclement weather could force us to cancel.

Reach out to Steve Bradbury with any questions.

All Youth need to have the Participation Consent Form on file, and the off campus trip form completed. These can be downloaded and brought the day of the trip.
GRPC Youth Participation Consent Form
GRPC Youth Off-Campus Trip – Corn Maze