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His mercies are new every morning

As we draw ever closer to the Thanksgiving holiday, I hope that the Lord is filling your heart with gratitude even as there has been much to lament this year. Through it all, he has remained faithful! I am grateful for each of you and for the many ways you continue to serve Christ and love one another during this strange and difficult season.
I have been reminded recently of some words from the book of Lamentations. If you are like me, Lamentations might be one of those books that you are likely to forget about – it’s a tiny little book, tucked in between the massive books of Jeremiah and Ezekiel (if you’re not careful, you can just flip right past it without noticing!). It is a book that is very appropriately named – Lamentations. The whole book is a lament at the exile of the people of Judah when they were carried away to Babylon. The Lord had seemingly let the worst possible thing happen to his people, and the only response was to weep and grieve. And yet, tucked away right in the middle of this little book, is one of the most comforting statements found anywhere in all of Scripture:

The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. – Lamentations 3:22-23
Church family, I pray that as you celebrate Thanksgiving this year these words will give you great comfort. It will look different – we may not have the time with family and friends that we so desperately miss. And yet, even as we lament and grieve, there is reason to rejoice – because the steadfast love of the LORD never ceases. He is faithful and his mercies are new every morning. Take some time to reflect on the Lord’s mercies this season – the small ones and the big ones. And in doing so, may you find great comfort, peace and joy, as you rest in your wonderful, merciful Savior.
In Christ,
Pastor Eric