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Unless the Lord…

Dear Grace family,

We are at an important stage in the life of our church – ready to begin searching for our next pastor, in the process of nominating new elders and deacons, and beginning to think through how the Lord wants to use us for his glory in the coming years. I am reminded of the words from the Psalmist:
Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain. Unless the Lord watches over the city, the watchman stays awake in vain. – Psalm 127:1
We want to be faithful in our work to honor God, but we must always remember that only the Lord can establish the work of our hands and make anything good come out of our imperfect labors. Pray that the Lord would give us confidence – not in our own abilities, but in his! May he establish the work of our hands and enable Grace to build on past decades of faithful ministry in order to continue serving him in the coming years.
In Christ,
Pastor Eric