March 18, 2022
Dear members and friends of GRPC,
At our session meeting last week we discussed our policy on dealing with Covid 19 realities for our worship.
We decided that it was time to shift our worship in the sanctuary to “mask optional.” The heating and air system of the church has been modified so that necessary fresh air is introduced into the system, and that the highest possible filtration is employed that will filter out the air-borne pathogens which lead to sickness. In addition, an ultra-violet light that kills pathogens has been installed into the system. This gives the greatest protection we know how to provide given that our sanctuary and classrooms are small.
We recognize that there is no present immunization for young children that will aid in the prevention of their becoming infected or of their infecting others. So those who are immune-compromised or are concerned for their own health, are encouraged to continue wearing masks as an aid to preventing the spread of infection. There is no way to guarantee safety and we recognize this, but wish to minimize the risk. For that reason, we request if you have been exposed to any contagious illness, that you be considerate of others, and worship online with us.
Thank you for helping us to fulfill the mandate of Philippians 2 that calls us to consider the interests of others as more important than our own. We believe that a face-to-face walking with the King of Glory is still what will draw us close to our Lord Christ and to each other. We want all our members and friends to be at home at GRPC, and experience the glory of Christ in our midst.
Your Session